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Will & Grace Return
Client : NBC
Director: Ryan Sage
As Producer, I had to facilitate the
rebuild of the Will & Grace
set, prop it, light it all in one week
We had 3 different lighting "looks".
With my suggestion, we measured
and drew a diagram on the
floor of the set. Then lit from
above the 3 different looks. Then
we brought in the set and props.
Adjusted the lights and shot.
Here's my crazy schedule:
Thursday - First day on job
Friday - Lock in crew and budget
Tuesday - Pre-light - 3 looks
Wednesday - Build set
Thursday - Dress set, lighting adjustments
Friday Shoot and Wrap
To say the least, the actual show producers
were blown away as to how efficient I pulled
this shoot together.
I had a great team from my Art Director to
our D.P. to pull off this incredible production.
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